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My story

You have two seconds to catch your audience*.   Otherwise they click away.    Who can  blame them?    For we are all drowning in an overload of information and messaging.

Clarity in your brand voice, and in your message, is what makes you stand out.  Clarity has the power to open up a patch of blue amid the horizon-to-horizon grey overcast.

Early years in the wild

I grew up in the New Forest – a wooded area in the South of England with wild ponies and open heathland, and where I did lots of connection with nature, with my friends, on our bicycles.

My world was small.  I recorded my thoughts in a diary; and I took my first pictures with a Brownie and the family's Cine Kodak Reliant 8mm camera.  I was eager to break free and head to the big city. 

A full spectrum of skills 

I went on to have a career bridging journalism, corporate communications and digital marketing, as well as photography and videography.  I have worked in most markets in Europe as well as internationally. That's a broad horizon, but then my horizons are broad.

Being a generalist in communications has led me to be “more creative, more agile, and able to make connections”, to quote David Epstein from his book Range, How Generalists Triumph in a Specialized World.

And my latest venture? To experiment with using Custom Chat GBT to bring additional audience insight – into their needs and their challenges.  

As long as the Earth turns, learning is never done.  

* Quoting influential image maker Nick Knight during a studio visit for Photo London 2024.

Who I've worked for 

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